Sunday, August 3, 2008
Race results for all canadian teams to Saturday
Desolee les amis, celle-ci va etre longue et le temps de traduire va gober tout mon temps au cafe internet, donc puisque c'est des resultats de course, et que le nom des equipes est unilingue, j'espere que vous me pardonnerai le manque de traduction.
So below are the official race results for Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I don't have the Sunday ones, sorry...
Thursday 2k races:
Senior Mixed:
1rst CSDC G&G Dragons 10.07.76 (9.57.65 + 10sec penalty)
2nd Sony G&G Dragons 10.12.l60
7th Cascades Seniors 10.36.66
8th Pond scum 10.39.59
Premier mixed:
1rst Mayfair Predators 9.48.53
2nd SCC Sudbury 9.58.60
3 Gorging Dragons 9.59.96
4 Verdun Adrenaline 10.13.58
9 Pirahnas 10.25.09
Junior Mixed
3rd Rampage Delta St Rob 11.10.95
Grand Dragons Mixed
1rst Heat Mixed PDBC 10.34.75
3rd Eat Trout G&G Dragons 10.46.78
4th Pond Scum 10.47.22
6th Cascade Seniors 11.18.50
7th White Heat - PDBC 11.18.95 (11.13.95 + 5 sec penalty)
Senior Open
2nd Sony G&G Dragons 10.25.22
7th Mtl Masters 12.11.81
Senior Women
1rst Outer Harbour 12.04.34
CSDC G&G Dragons DNF
Premier Women
2nd Mtl Women 10.44.91
3rd Jaymore Cascades 11.07.38
4th Outer Harbour Premiers 11.40.72
6th Wash Machine 3R 11.54.28
Grand Dragons Open
1rst Eat Trout G&G 10.04.35
2nd Heat Open PDBC 10.29.72
Grand Women Dragons
1rst Heat Women PDBC 11.52.22
2nd Sunwing Flyers 11.52.75 (11.47.75 + 5 sec penalty)
4th Eat Trout G&G 12.15.25
Premier Open
7th Montreal Men 10.09.90
9th SCC Sudbury 10.11.84
11th Rip the Fondue 10.16.87
12th Piranhas 10.20.56
Friday results 200m
Senior Mixed
1rst Sony G&G 45.89
3rd CSDC G&G 46.87
6th Pond scum 49.05
Premier Mixed
1rst Mayfair 45.03
2nd SCC Sudbury 45.53
3rd Gorging Dragons 46.75
4th Piranhas 47.43
Grand Dragons Open - Combined results
1rst Eat Trout G&G 47.34
2nd heat open PDBC 48.47
Grand Dragon Women
1rst Heat WOmen PDBC 55.09
4th Eat Trout G&G 55.46
Saturday Result:
Senior Open 200m
2nd Sony G&G 44.94
6th Mtl Masters 48.57
Senior Women 200m
1rst CSDC G&G Dragons 50.44
3rd OHDBC 52.03
Premier Women 200
2nd Montreal Women 49.57
3rd Jaymore Cascades 50.88
4th Wash Machine 3R 51.39
5th Outer Harbour 51.51
Premier Open 200
3rd Rip the Fondue 44.66
Grand Dragon Mixed 500m
1rt Heat Mixed PDBC 2.04.71
4th Eat Trout G&G 2.09.00
5th Pond Scum 2.09.17
Junior Mixed 500
4th Rampage Delta St Roberts 2.11.83
Senior Mixed 500
1rst Pond Scum 2.09.07
3rd Cascades Seniors 2.10.51
Senior Mixed 500
1rst Sony G&G 2.02.37
2nd CSDC G&G 2.04.95
Premier Mixed 500
1rst Mayfair 1.58.87
2nd Gorging Dragons 2.00.37
3rd SCC Sudbury 2.01.02
4th Verdun Adrenaline 2.01.71
Voila, sorry we won't have Sunday guys... From what we know:
Montreal Men finished 6th in the 500 (we're pretty sure... 5th or 6th...)
Senior Men came in 5th
Montreal Women came in 2nd
OHDBC Women came in 4th or 5th (we really shouldn't try to remember these things on such small amounts of sleep!)
OHDBC Senior women 3rd (we remember THAT!)
CSDC G&G Senior Women came 1rst (we remember THAT too!)
Sorry guys, that's all we remember of Sunday! We're off to tour KL now!
The collection......
Final race update - Les derniers resultats
We're late in getting this update out because yesterday was an intense, busy day and well, I just didn't get to the net cafe!
So, for the first time we had to deal with rain at the race course. What a rainstorm - shades of Sunday at the Nationals for those who were there, but add thunder and lightening. I guess the rules here are different because racing was hardly halted.
Luckily though it stopped thundering when we got out on the water. We had a great first heat and easily made it into the final.
Our final race of the event was solid, we paced it fast and hard and came away with a 3rd medal : Bronze.
3 distances, 3 medals! We're all quite proud, certainly excited and pleased that the hard work paid off in such a nice way! Our suitcases are all a little heavier (wait till you see those suckers, they are heavy!)
So we enjoyed the athletes party (some enjoyed it longer and harder than others! You know who you are! How was the head this morning?? ;) ) and the team dispersed this morning.
So I guess that's it for racing updates for the OHDBC Senior Women. We're all enjoying the next few days to rest up, do some tourism, or make our way back to the real world.
Thanks for reading everyone!
Bon matin a tous d'un Kuala Lumnpur plutot nuageux.
Nous sommes en retard avec cette mise a jour puisque la journee d'hier a ete tres occupee, et bien, je n'ai simplement pas eu le temps de me rendre au cafe internet!
Donc pour la premiere fois de la semaine nous avons eu a composer avec un orage. Et quel orage! C'etait pas mal proche des pluis qu'on a eu le dimanche des NAtionaux, mais avec tonnerre et eclairs en sus! Les reglements ici sont surement differents face aux orages puisque les courses ont a peine ete retardes.
Chanceux pour nous, les eclairs avaient arretes lorsqu'on a embarque.
Nous avons pagaye une tres bonne semi finale et avons facilement obtenue notre entree dans la finale.
Notre derniere course de l'evenement etait solide, notre "pace" etait rapide et fort et nous avons obtenu notre 3e medaille de l'evenement, une autre bronze.
3 distances, 3 medailles. Nous sommes toutes fieres et heureuse de voir notre travail des derniers mois si richement reconnu. Nos valises sont pas mal plus lourdes maintenant (attendez de vois ces medailles! Elles sont lourdes!).
Nous nous sommes amusee au party des atheletes (certaines plus que d'autres! Vous savez qui vous etes! Comment va la tete ce matin?? ;) ) et l'equipe c'est dispersee ce matin.
Donc voila pour les nouvelles des courses pour les Femmes Senior de OHDBC. Nous allons toutes prendre du temps pour se reposer, faire un peu de tourisme, ou revenir a la vrai vie.
Merci a tous d'avoir suivi nos explois!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
What can you get for 52 in Mayasia / Que peut on avoir en Malaisie pour 52?
I know we promised yesterday's results to you but I don't have them with me here...sorry guys!
As to what happened today, here's what I remember:
CSDC/GG senior women won the 200m gold.
Montreal Premier Women finished second in the 200m to the Chinese team
3rd was Cascades
OHDBC Premiers finished 4th
Rip the Fondue finished 4th (we think...)
Montreal Majong men finished TO BE CONFIRMED - we really cannot remember, but no medals though.
Montreal Senior men came in 4th.
Mayfair won the 200m and the 500m gold today in the Premier Mixed.
Verdun came in 4th
That's all we can remember at the moment. More later as we enjoy our 2nd evening of celebrating hardware!
Une medaille de bronze, voila la reponse! 52 secondes et quelques poussieres nous ont value la medaille de bronze dans la finale du 200m! Ce n'est pas notre meilleure distance, donc nous sommes bien heureuse des resultats!
Je sais que nous vous avions promis les resultats des courses d'hier mais je ne les ai pas avec moi! Desolee! Mais voici ce que je me souviens d'aujourd'hui:
CSDC/GG senior women on gagne l'or au 200m.
Montreal Premier Women ont fini deuxiemes dans le 200m derrieres les Chinoises
Cascades on fini 3e
OHDBC Premiers on fini 4e
Rip the Fondue ont fini 4e (on pense...)
Montreal Majong men A ETRE CONFIRME- On ne se souvient vraiment pas, mais pas de medailles
Montreal Senior hommes 4e.
Mayfair ont gagne l'or au 200m et 500m aujourd'hui dans la categorie Premier Mixed.
Verdun a fini 4e
c'est tout ce qu'on se souvient en ce moment. Plus de details a venir. Nous celebrons maintenant notre deuxieme victoire a Penang!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Friday lack-of-news / Le manque de nouvelles du vendredi
Journee de visites et de repos en preparation pour les 250 metres de demain. Nous coursons a 20h30 heure de Montreal (8h30 samedi matin heure de Panang) donc pensez a nous!
Hello all! We were not racing today so no results as to the other teams seeing as we weren't onsite. We'll get them and share them tomorrow.
Day of tourism and rest today as we prepare for the 250 meter races tomorrow. We race at 8:30pm Toronto time (8:30 am Panang) so be thinking of us!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Canadian results on Day 1 of racing - 2km races
No responsibility taken for any errors in here; just thought our readers may also be following other Canadian Teams here. Apologies if I have missed anyone in error.
Senior Mixed
- CSDC C&G Dragons 1st place
- Sony G&G Dragons 2nd place
- Cascades Seniors 7th place
- Pond Scum 8th place
Premier Mixed
- Mayfair Predators 1st place
- SCC Sudbury 2nd place
- Gorging Dragons 3rd place
- Verdun Adrenaline 4th place
- Piranhas 9th place
Junior Mixed
- Rampage Delta St Rob 3rd place
Grand Dragons Mixed
- Heat Mixed 1st place
- Eat Trout G&G 3rd place
- Pond Scum 4th place
- Cascades Seniors 6th place
- White Heat 7th place
Senior Open
- Sony G&G Dragons 2nd place
- Montreal Masters 7th place
Senior Women
- Outer Harbour DBC (that's us!) 1st place
- CSDC G&G Dragons DSQ
Premier Women
- Montreal Women 2nd place
- Jaymor Cascades 3rd place
- Outer Harbour DBC 4th place
- Wash Machine - 3R Ds 6th place
Grand Dragon Open
- Eat Trout G&G Dragons 1st place
- Heat Open 2nd place
Grand Dragon Women
- Heat Women 1st place
- Sunwing Flyers 2nd place
- Eat Trout G&G Dragons 3rd place
Premier Open
- Montreal Men 6th place
- SCC Sudbury 8th place
- Rip the Fondue 10th place
- Piranahs 11th place
Do you want to know? Vous voulez savoir?
OKAY - I have no time to spellcheck!!! Will do so later...sorry!!!
BON - j'as pas le temps de verifier l'orthographe, je vas le faire plus tard! Desolee!!!!

In case you're still not clear.
Et si c'est encore pas clair:

What a race! 16 boats on the water at the same time. We were the last to leave (2k are done with a staggered start, each boat leaving every 12 seconds). The wind was incredible, the water actually had whitecaps from the wind! The first 500, were in a headwind.
What a fight! We paddled very hard up the first 500 and took the first turn. It was solid, tight, right up against the buoys. Out of the corner of my eye I could see some boats well wide of the course, sirens were wailing... we just kept paddling out the turn, focused on our own race.
I allowed myself a quick glance over to see what happened. It looked like two boats may have collided, or at least went amazingly far off course... We just kept paddling, catching up to the boats ahead of us.
Next turn, also nice and tight, solid. Back into the crazy headwind. I was practrically flat on the drum. The girls were amazing, paddled SOLID thought incredibly hard conditions. I wish I could adequately convey how intense the conditions were...
Well actually maybe I can: Karen was the only stearsperson in the whole race who kept the lines and didn't go off course in the turns. They actually halted racing after ours because the conditions were too dangerous to race in. These are the conditions in which this team paddled the race of their lives, solid, strong.
After the last turn it was just a fight for time as we tried to get as close as possible to the boats ahead of us.
Paddling into the docks, I think many were tying not to vomit off the side of the boat. We felt amazing about the race we did... but it was a long wait to getting the results!
As you can see, the hard work paid off - half a second ahead of boat #2.
What else can I say? We're damn proud. We're writing this as the girls are getting ready to go out for the celebratory dinner!
So a day off tomorrow, and then fighting again in the 200m.
Quelle course! 16 bateaux sur l'eau en meme temps. Nous etions le dernier bateau sur la ligne de depart. (Pour le 2K, les bateaux quittent a 12 secondes d'intervalle). The vent etait incroyable, il y avait des moutons sur le haut des vagues! Le premier 500 metres etait dans le vent. Quelle guerre! Nous avons pagaye tres fort le premier 500 metres jusqu'au virage. C'etait solide, serre, acotte sur les boues! Du coin de l'oeil j'ai appercu certains bateaux bien loin de la piste, des sirenes hurlaient, mais nous avons ignore le tout, seulement attentive a notre propre course!
Je me suis permise une petit regard pour voir ce qui est arrive. On dirait que deux bateaux avaient fait collision, ou du moins avant vraiement perdu la ligne de virage... Nous avons simplement continue a pagayer, se raprochant des bateauz devant nous.
Prochain virage, encore serre, solide! De retour dans le vent de face. J'etais quasiment couchee sur le tambour. Les filles etaient incroyables, chaque coup de pagaie solide dans des conditions incoyablement difficile. J'aimerais pouvoir bien decrire a quel point les conditions etiaent intense...
A vrai dire, je peux peut-etre: Karen etait la seule barreure qui a tenu la ligne pour tous les virages. Les officiels ont arrete les courses apres a notres parce que les conditions ont ete jugees trop dangeureuses. Ca vous donne une idee de ce que nous avons vecu: la course de notre vie.
Apres le dernier virage c'etait une course pour les secondes, on se raprochait des bateaux devant nous.
Au retour vers les quais, je crois que certaines essaiyaient de ne pas vomir. Nous etions bien fiere de notre course...mais c'etait une tres longue attente pour les resultats officiels!
Comme vous pouvez le voir, tout l'entrainement nous a value la demi seconde sur le 2e bateau.
Qu'est ce que je peux dire de plus? Nous sommes super fiere! J"ecris ceci pendant que les filles se preparent pour le souper celebratoire.
Journee de conge demain et ensuite la prochaine guerre sur 200m.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Pre-dinner update - Les nouvelles de la soiree
Mise a jour rapide: je sais je sais, vous voulez voir les photos! La derniere pratique avant nos courses a tres bien ete. Nous avons pratique nos departs et nos virages et nous sommes pretes a attaquer le reste du monde! Donc lorsque vous vous couchez mercredi soir, pensez a nous! A 2h du matin heure de Montreal jeudi nous serons sur la ligne de depart, et a 2h10 nous allons celebrer. A few pictures now / maintenant les photos!
The girls in front of one of the temples we visited on our bus tour.

Quick mid-day update / Nouvelles mi-mercredi
Our practice this morning went well. The heat is more bearable today, not sure if it's less hot or that we are getting used to it.
So we are under orders now to rest, stay out of the sun and make sure we drink a lot of water before this afternoon's practice... where better to do so than the internet cafe?
So hello from half way across the world - literally. (for anyone wondering, we are exactly 12 hours ahead of Toronto time).
Essayez de vous imaginer 27 bateaux sur l'eau en meme temps, chacun tentant de pratiquer leurs departs, leurs tournants de 2000m, leurs puissance et tout ca dans multiples langues...c'etait la scene sur le Dam ce matin. C'etait pas mal impressionant!
Notre pratique a tres bien ete. La chaleur est plus endurable aujourd'hui mais je ne sais pas si c'est parce qu'il fait moins chaud ou simplement qu'on s'y habitue.
Donc le mot d'ordre est pas de soleil, du repos et boire beaucoup d'eau avant la pratique de cet apres-midi... et quoi de mieux pour respecter les ordres que visiter le cafe internet local?
Donc bonjour de l'autre bout du monde - exactement. Nous sommes a 12 heures en avance de Montreal!
Hopefully a few pictures tonight / des photos ce soir, si tout se passe bien!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Tuesday update - les nouvelles du mardi
Well we survived our first full day in Penang with the whole team! We started early at the race course where we paddled in some very old, very heavy boats! Let us tell you how happy we are to know those are NOT the boats we're competing in! The venue really is as beautiful as the picture shows, and the water IS very clean, though I would have to say not quite that blue.
We spent the rest of the day in our team bus visiting Georgetown with our tour guide and went out as a group for dinner.
Tomorrow morning is another early one with a practice session at 9 and another at 4.
We're surviving the heat, and let me tell you that this experience redefines "hot day" for most of us! You sweat buckets just standing around so you can imagine that the locals are doing good business on the sale of bottled water!
So we're all here, our luggae is all here, we're all really pumped and excited.
That's the latest from Penang, will try to post pictures tomorrow.
Bonjour a tous! (desolee pour le manque d'accents, j'ai deja beaucoup de misere avec le clavier pour ecrire en anglais!)
Nous avons survecu notre premiere journee a Penang avec toute l'equipe! La journee a commence tres tot. Nous avons pagaye dans de vieux bateaux tres tres lourds. Nous sommes tres heureuses de savoir que ce ne sont PAS les bateaux qui seront utilise en competition!
Le site est effectivement aussi beau que la photo,et l'eau est tres propre mais je dois avouer qu'elle n'est pas tout a fait aussi bleu.
Nous avons poursuivi la journee avec une visite de Georgetown en bus loue pour la semaine (guide inclus!) et avons fini la soiree avec un souper d'equipe.
Demain matin commence avec une autre pratique a 9h et nous avons une deuxieme pratique a 16h.
Nous survivons a la chaleur mais laissez moi vous dire que cette experience redefini "journee chaude"pour nous! La sueur nous coule sur le front qu'a etre dehors sans bouger donc vous pouvez vous imaginer que les vendeurs d'eau en bouteille font de belles ventes avec nous!
Donc nous voila enfin toutes rendues, et les valises aussi se sont toutes rendus, la pratique a bien ete et nous sommes bien confiantes!
Donc voila les derniere nouvelles de Penang. Demain nous tenterons de partager des photos!
Monday, July 28, 2008
We are now all here!
This morning, 14 of us plus Chris ran on the beach to wake our bodies up and get moving again after the long flights. Really can't beat cooling off in the ocean after a morning run :-) Top that off with a very welcome yoga session beside the pool and you'd almost think we were on holidays, except that it seems like the Holiday Inn has been taken over by many, many Canadian Dragon Boaters. There's at least 4 teams that we know of staying at our hotel and there's apparently about 40 Canadian teams racing at the event and staying in the area.
Seems like Hong Kong was a huge hit with all of those with a long enough stop over to leave the airport and see the sights.
Weather wise it's somewhere in the high thirties possibly in the 40s with the humidex. Some how it seems hotter than in TO but we've trained and raced in the heat so hopefully we will quickly get into the groove and not even notice it any more.
Tomorrow is our first practice; the real work begins.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Our Racing Schedule
- Thursday July 31st 2pm, 2km pursuit race. One race for the first set of medals
- Saturday August 2nd, 9 am 200m heats, 10:30 am 200m finals
- Sunday August 3rd, noon 500m heats and 2 pm 500 m finals.
- Sunday August 3rd, 7:30 pm, Celebration party and the start of our next journey to Macau in 2010!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Almost hours from departure! A quelques heures presque des départs!
Keep an eye on this space, we'll keep you posted on the journey and the first few days when we get there.
Pour ceux qui auraient reçu l'adresse et viennent voir: nous sommes à quelques heures des premiers départs vers la Malaysie. Je sais que l'équipe est confiante et excitée mais que certaines se demandent comment tout mettre dans une valise! On espère également tout retrouver intact à l'autre bout au travers des multiples transferts d'avions.
Venez voir souvent, nous partagerons nos aventures de voyage et les premiers jours.
Monday, July 21, 2008
First Post