OKAY - I have no time to spellcheck!!! Will do so later...sorry!!!
BON - j'as pas le temps de verifier l'orthographe, je vas le faire plus tard! Desolee!!!!

In case you're still not clear.
Et si c'est encore pas clair:

What a race! 16 boats on the water at the same time. We were the last to leave (2k are done with a staggered start, each boat leaving every 12 seconds). The wind was incredible, the water actually had whitecaps from the wind! The first 500, were in a headwind.
What a fight! We paddled very hard up the first 500 and took the first turn. It was solid, tight, right up against the buoys. Out of the corner of my eye I could see some boats well wide of the course, sirens were wailing... we just kept paddling out the turn, focused on our own race.
I allowed myself a quick glance over to see what happened. It looked like two boats may have collided, or at least went amazingly far off course... We just kept paddling, catching up to the boats ahead of us.
Next turn, also nice and tight, solid. Back into the crazy headwind. I was practrically flat on the drum. The girls were amazing, paddled SOLID thought incredibly hard conditions. I wish I could adequately convey how intense the conditions were...
Well actually maybe I can: Karen was the only stearsperson in the whole race who kept the lines and didn't go off course in the turns. They actually halted racing after ours because the conditions were too dangerous to race in. These are the conditions in which this team paddled the race of their lives, solid, strong.
After the last turn it was just a fight for time as we tried to get as close as possible to the boats ahead of us.
Paddling into the docks, I think many were tying not to vomit off the side of the boat. We felt amazing about the race we did... but it was a long wait to getting the results!
As you can see, the hard work paid off - half a second ahead of boat #2.
What else can I say? We're damn proud. We're writing this as the girls are getting ready to go out for the celebratory dinner!
So a day off tomorrow, and then fighting again in the 200m.
Quelle course! 16 bateaux sur l'eau en meme temps. Nous etions le dernier bateau sur la ligne de depart. (Pour le 2K, les bateaux quittent a 12 secondes d'intervalle). The vent etait incroyable, il y avait des moutons sur le haut des vagues! Le premier 500 metres etait dans le vent. Quelle guerre! Nous avons pagaye tres fort le premier 500 metres jusqu'au virage. C'etait solide, serre, acotte sur les boues! Du coin de l'oeil j'ai appercu certains bateaux bien loin de la piste, des sirenes hurlaient, mais nous avons ignore le tout, seulement attentive a notre propre course!
Je me suis permise une petit regard pour voir ce qui est arrive. On dirait que deux bateaux avaient fait collision, ou du moins avant vraiement perdu la ligne de virage... Nous avons simplement continue a pagayer, se raprochant des bateauz devant nous.
Prochain virage, encore serre, solide! De retour dans le vent de face. J'etais quasiment couchee sur le tambour. Les filles etaient incroyables, chaque coup de pagaie solide dans des conditions incoyablement difficile. J'aimerais pouvoir bien decrire a quel point les conditions etiaent intense...
A vrai dire, je peux peut-etre: Karen etait la seule barreure qui a tenu la ligne pour tous les virages. Les officiels ont arrete les courses apres a notres parce que les conditions ont ete jugees trop dangeureuses. Ca vous donne une idee de ce que nous avons vecu: la course de notre vie.
Apres le dernier virage c'etait une course pour les secondes, on se raprochait des bateaux devant nous.
Au retour vers les quais, je crois que certaines essaiyaient de ne pas vomir. Nous etions bien fiere de notre course...mais c'etait une tres longue attente pour les resultats officiels!
Comme vous pouvez le voir, tout l'entrainement nous a value la demi seconde sur le 2e bateau.
Qu'est ce que je peux dire de plus? Nous sommes super fiere! J"ecris ceci pendant que les filles se preparent pour le souper celebratoire.
Journee de conge demain et ensuite la prochaine guerre sur 200m.
I'm so proud of you all. What an amazing accomplishment!!!
Woohoo!! Congratulations to the whole TEAM and way to go Tina!
Yeah!!! Congratulations, first one in the bank!!!!!!! Sounds like was a hell of a race!!! No doubt that trainings have paid off. I feel so proud of you all.
Read you tomorrow for the same kind of news ;-)
Congrats too from your friends in Belleville. Way to go gals!!
One of many to come!
Congratulations :-) - Well Done !!!
The first of many gold medals.
Hope you have a great day racing tomorrow.
Message for Auntie Bern - we are very proud of you, well done you will have to bring them the next time you come to see us. Orla & Roisin xx
Way to go Teams!!!
Congrats to Women and Predators, will hold all our fingers crossed for the next ones
way to go Lisa
good luck on friday
love & miss you
Bravo les filles. Toute l'équipe B2C de Transat vous félicite. Bonne chance pour les autres épreuves ; vous avez montré que vous êtes capables de tout, contre "vents et marées". On vous soutient !
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